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How GroMo automates
reporting & attribution for
multiple clients with Factors



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‍Who is GroMo?

GroMo is a Dallas-based, full-service digital marketing agency. Their team is comprised of talented data scientists, sales enablement specialists, and strategy experts — all of whom work towards helping businesses align demand gen and execute marketing efforts that drive revenue. As an agency, GroMo specialize in paid media, sales enablement, marketing automation, and especially, account-based marketing (ABM). What makes GroMo special? It distinguishes itself with tailor-made, data-driven strategies that retain an ever-present human element.

“Every brand is unique, your marketing strategy should be too. That means constant progression, despite what stands in your way. It’s getting ahead by being proactive and maximizing your lead by knowing what’s next.“ - Cole Field, Director of Strategy

Pressing Pain-points

As previously mentioned, ABM is at the core of GroMo’s functions. Tracking and analyzing customer journeys across countless marketing touchpoints is fundamental to this approach. A robust marketing attribution engine is also essential to optimize ABM efforts.

The challenge with executing this is multifold. For one, it can be extremely laborious to collate and organize marketing data across various sources. This mechanical task also takes time away from creative and strategic efforts.

Sam barth testimonial

“Running marketing campaigns across multiple platforms can be challenging to maintain, especially when it comes to being able to connect your efforts to a client’s revenue stream.  Factors has helped us consolidate a lot of the reporting we do across these different channels so we can expedite this process.”

Another challenge that arises once all the data has been collected is strategy. You have all the data you need…now what? Marketing analytics and attribution can very easily become an unintuitive, counter-productive chore without the right tools and technology. This is where Factors.ai stepped in.

A Productive Partnership

As a result of the aforementioned challenges, GroMo reached out to Factors with specific requirements:

  1. A user-friendly dashboarding platform that consolidates and organizes ABM metrics, maps HubSpot contacts, and traces the entire sales funnel across multiple clients
  2. A multi-touch attribution platform that determines the influence of every touchpoint on custom conversion goals, pipeline, and revenue
  3. A robust tracking platform that compares leads against website activity — and connects the dots between ad campaigns, web events, and CRM

Factors.ai fortunately specializes in all three use-cases. Accordingly, GroMo initiated this partnership with a coveted client — Shoppa’s, a leading Material Handling dealerships in the US. Soon after, GroMo onboarded Versium, a cutting-edge B2B SaaS startup that specializes in data technology solutions, and BHG, one of the largest opioid treatment and recovery centers in America.

Sam barth testimonial

“Factors's ability to consolidate conversion rates and filter different attributes gives us a clear picture of what kinds of assets we should be using across all our platforms.”

How did Factors.ai help?

  1. Consolidate, Crunch, Communicate: First and foremost, Factors simplified a reporting process that otherwise relied on tedious excel sheets and forms. Upon integrating client data across several sources on a single platform, Factors generated individual projects and set-up custom dashboards for each one of them. These dashboards comprised of a wide range of automated reports organized across ABM, paid campaigns, attribution, and more.

This empowered GroMo to track and report programmatic spends, clicks, impressions and other primary KPIs. Moreover, GroMo connected Leadfeeder data to track granular outcomes & custom ABM metrics. The goal here is to derive correlation and causation relationships between revenue and paid media efforts.

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  1. End-to-End Attribution: Attribution is a fundamental use-case to GroMo. With Factors.ai, all three clients unlock a host of multi-touch attribution models, flexible attribution windows, and the ability to compare multiple models with each other. Users are empowered with end-to-end customer journey insights across their ad campaigns, website activity, CRM events, and more. In turn, this provides valuable inputs into granular ROI optimization and resource allocation. In particular, Gromo utilizes customized attribution reports to analyze their efforts across their efforts as scatter plots. This results in a clear visualization and attribution from lead to opportunity to deal won.
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  1. Tailor-made metrics, properties, and dimensions: For all three clients, Factors.ai created custom metrics, events, dimensions, and properties to ensure relevant reports. In correspondence to GroMo’s emphasis on ABM, Factors also set-up 7 tailor-made ABM themes — Awareness, Engagement, Conversion, Outcomes, Marketing, Sales, and Executive. Each theme consisted of a collection of custom KPIs and metrics. For example, “Executive” includes Deal size, Funnel Velocity, Campaign ROAS, Revenue, and more.

These custom dimensions and properties were then leveraged to create campaign types on topics such as: type of funnel, warehouse automation, type of campaigns (search, retargeting, etc). Reports are then built to analyze and optimize each area individually.

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  1. Automated insights with “Explain”: To be fair, AI-powered insights for custom conversion goals wasn't really a prerequisite for GroMo. That being said, it’s a feature that clients come to appreciate due to its sheer convenience and speed. Explain runs countless funnels in a matter of seconds to retrieve statistically significant changes in performance. With Explain, GroMo and its clients unlock actionable correlation and week-on-week insights into what marketing efforts are helping and hurting a specific conversion goal.

How else are GroMo’s clients using Factors?

  • Shoppa’s: Shoppa makes full use of Factors’s end-to-end analytics platform. This includes campaign analytics, website analytics, funnels, and more. These functions are regularly implemented into Shoppa’s monthly metric reports as well. Specifically, Shoppa’s focuses on custom-made engagement, conversion, and awareness metrics.
  • Versium + BHG: In addition to the Shoppa’s usage, Versium and BHG also track programmatic spends, clicks, and impressions as their main KPIs. They also employ custom attribution reports to visualize marketing performance as scatter plots. Additionally, once Leadfeeder data starts flowing into the Factors platform, the pair of clients will also track outcomes and ABM metrics to derive correlations (and causations) between revenue and paid marketing efforts.

And there you have it…

Sam barth testimonial

“Factors has a great team behind its product to help customize the software to fit your company’s operations. The collaboration helps tremendously with any technical hurdles.”

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