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How Richpanel optimised their conversion rate & fired up reporting with Factors.AI



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What is Richpanel?

Richpanel helps D2C merchants build an Amazon-like self-service portal in minutes and help resolve 50% of customer queries without involving agents. Over 1500 eCommerce businesses use Richpanel to deliver world-class customer experience effortlessly by making customer service easy for both the agents and customers


The team wanted to increase their conversion rates from Website to the Demo page and subsequent form submissions from the demo page. It was essential to understand the path that users traverse to the demo page and conduct experiments to optimize this path.

The conversion rate for the overall website was 0.1% and the goal was to increase it to 3-4%, to do this they needed to visualize cohort-based journeys of the users and optimize the path to the high intent pages such as pricing and demo pages.

The team wanted a solution that helped them monitor their key metrics in a single dashboard with a few clicks to understand the health of their marketing efforts.

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A robust full-funnel analytics solution - Factors has made it easy to get answers and more clarity on the visitor/customer journey.


1. Track end-to-end user journeys

Using Factor’s Funnels feature Richpanel’s team was able to set up multiple Funnel reports that provided insights into how users traverse their website to their high intent pages and eventual conversion into a Contact in their CRM

Here are a few funnels that they set up to track their website Conversion Rate “Demo Signup page >> Demo Successful ”, “Signup Page>>Form Submission>>Contact Created”, ”Pricing>>Demo Signup page>> Demo Successful”.

The team conducted Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) experiments and monitored its impact with funnel reports.

Track end-to-end user journeys

Factors has also made it possible to get instant access to all website funnels and conversion rate data avoiding countless hours spent collating data from all different sources

2. Multiple Metrics - One Dashboard

The team has all their key metrics in a single dashboard, enabling them to access it with great ease and speed rather than hustling all over the place to note down these metrics one by one. If any metric piques their curiosity they can deep dive into it and break it down by Referrer URL, Landing page URL, Country, Device, etc

Multiple Metrics - One Dashboard
Richpanel testimonial
Factors has also made it possible to get instant access to all website funnels and conversion rate data avoiding countless hours spent collating data from all different sources

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