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Content Marketing

You’re producing a lot of great content 📚
Now what?

You can blindly produce content assets with little visibility into what works and what doesn’t.
Or you can identify what matters to your audience and create content that converts.

Trusted by 500+ high-growth B2B teams

Your content deserves better

Make the most of your marketing assets

Granular Visibility

Drill deep into marketing ROI with reporting available for all types of content assets on your website - blogs, guides, webinars, podcasts, infographs, & quizzes.

Multiple Attribution Models

Don’t be limited by one type. Experiment with linear, time decay, or custom models to uncover true needle movers

Unified Account Timeline

Look into your prospect's complete account journey. Understand your content’s influence at every stage of their journey in one place.

Create content that clicks and converts

Don’t throw content at your audience hoping something will stick

Unify content metrics

Analyze all the usual content metrics — traffic, bounce rate, time spent, scroll depth, and more — without switching tools

Check traffic quality

Go beyond traffic source and volume. Identify
exactly which accounts are consuming ungated content — without the need for forms

Track account engagement

Understand which pieces of content resonate with your target audience. Examine account timelines and paths to know what works at every stage of the buyer journey

Measure pipeline impact

Pin-point content marketing’s impact on pipeline and revenue with robust multi-touch attribution analysis.

Eliminate ambiguity

Experiment with multiple attribution models &
choose the one which is most suitable for your buyer’s journey & go-to-market motion.

Refine content strategy

Repurpose existing assets to avoid content decay & wasted budgets. Invest efficiently in replicating high-impact assets

Win, win, win

Win over
your audience,
your conviction,
your quarterly KPIs.

Ready to make the most of your go-to-market efforts?
Book a demo & see Factors in action now.

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