Best Linkedin Outreach Hacks by Salesrobot & Factors.AI
Priyanka: Okay, I think we are live and we'll wait for some time to get a confirmation if we are audible or not, if somebody can tell us if they can hear us loud and clear, we'll jump into the session right away
yeah. Yeah, I think Yogesh has confirmed that we are audible, loud and clear. Yeah. Okay, cool, then we can get started. Hello everyone. Thanks for tuning in I see a lot of familiar faces on the chat. So this is a good site. And today we have Saurav with us who's the founder of Sales Robot.
Sales Robot is an automation tool. which lets you automate cold outreach across LinkedIn and email, and they also have a AI part to their automation. I think at this point they host around 100, 400 customers in your, on your platform, right? It's a huge number, honestly. iF I say it because a lot of people have apprehensions in terms of if they should automate LinkedIn, or even if they don't automate LinkedIn, they think that having LinkedIn outreach is a very bad thing.
It's like a taboo subject within SDS. I say because I have been there. But then I came across sales robot and life changed. Yeah, that that is a background why we have Saurav here. Now I'll let Saurav introduce himself. Then we'll dive into the question answer session. Awesome. Awesome.
Saurabh: Thanks Priyanka. Yeah. So thank you so much for that introduction. Yeah. I'm sorry. I founded sales robot way back in May of 2020, which is right at the beginning of a pandemic, always a great time to start a company, when there's so much uncertainty going on now. Yeah, it was an interesting time.
So what we do essentially is we help small businesses as well as SDRs get more leads from both LinkedIn and email. Because we believe both are great channels for getting leads. It's just that the approach is complicated. So that's where we have some artificial intelligence elements inside the platform to which when you're reaching out, you're able to personalize based on the information inside their profile, right?
And even a small tweak in terms of the personalization can Yield big results. That is what we've seen in our customers customers campaigns. So that's that's what we really enabled to get more results from both LinkedIn and email through deeper proven personalization tactics built right into the platform.
So that's yeah, that's just a bit about what we.
Priyanka: Cool. Thanks for the your introduction we'll have a question answer session between me and Saurabh for a while and then we'll take. Any questions towards the end and from the audience. I'll actually start with how I used to do outbound when I was an SDR at Pappus.
It was actually spraying and paying approach lane. And it was brutal to to be very precise. aNd another thing is that the amount of emails we used to send. was horrendous. And we used to send a bulk emails and we thought that the number of emails you send, the better your chances are to get the the message, right?
Get a reply from the prospect. However like after some time, we also realized that there should be a research thing involved. There should be ICP and all of that, but There was no chance. We knew that this person is actually in the market. And for that reason, we at Factors built the account identification feature inside Factors itself, where you get who is actually visiting your site.
What have they done on your site? If they've gone to your pricing page, then definitely tell your SDR to reach out through. X, Y, Z platforms and all of that, right? And we and the partnership that we have with sales robot is to automate this entire process, right? You find out your accounts at practice, you automate all your things via sales sales robot through a uh, through an automation that practice itself supports, right?
I would love to hear your opinion about this sort of a program where there is the one case there is no intent. There is no account based selling. So as to say, and then there is this part, right? And what are the differences that you have seen go in your interactions with your customers and anywhere else?
Saurabh: Yeah. Yeah. Great question. So traditional outbound relies on a very mass volume approach, right? Like you just, it's just you're just shooting a hundred arrows in the air and there's three targets, which is what is true, right? Only 3 percent of your target market is in the market right now to buy.
So if you're purely taking an outbound approach, then you're, you're reducing your chances of converting to a best case 3%, right? Because you're targeting everyone. And then you as an SDR are one getting dejected, there's an emotional component to it as well. You're a human being, you can face only so many rejections.
And two, you're burning your reputation in the market also, right? Because you're reaching out to 97 people who are actually not interested at all. And definitely that, brand value definitely diminishes. If you see so many emails from, factors or sales report or whatever company that is, that's doing outbound.
So the solution to that problem can be multiple things. Like one of the Holy grail things that was from this was intent data, right? Big companies came around for intent data. There was Bambura, there's, a lot of the sixth sense of the world. And a lot of these tons of very good companies that do intend data.
But. I feel in my opinion, I don't know, how much you agree with it or the audience agrees with it. I feel that intent data has been more of a bust, right? Because the reason why intended doesn't really work is that you can have somebody very lowered on the order in the company. Just reading an article in TechCrunch and then about CRMs and then it will come in and inform me as a CRM automation company that, hey, this company apple.
com is interested in buying a CRM while it's just some bored Apple employee reading a CRM article on a Friday afternoon, right? Third party intent hasn't really worked in my opinion. So what then remains is your own first party intent. What is first party intent? Your website visitors, they're coming to your website for a reason, right?
They're reading your blog they're becoming familiar with your name and they're getting indoctrinated by your content. So when you're doing, when you're combining this kind of inbound with an outbound approach, which is soft, right? You're not pushing for a meeting. It's important to not push for a meeting.
But just trying to get a dialogue going with that company, I feel that's the best conversation that you can have because these are probably those 3%. If they're not in those 3%, then they're in the top 20% at least. And then from here, your conversion rates will at least three to four x, right? If not five x, because you are only targeting those at the, those buyers at the bottom of the pyramid that are already motivated to buy something, if not your product.
Yeah. For that problem. Correct.
Priyanka: Correct. Absolutely. And one more thing to add on the intent part is yeah, third party intent is like it's very far away from reality. And that's why first party intent, like your website visitor identification, account identification that combined with second party intent, like your ads and then third party intent, like G2 or anything like that.
It is very important. And. Even within first party, there are like years of intent, uh, as much as I've seen. So if comes to my website, looks at my blog, I might not reach out to them, but if they are, if is on my pricing page is and has spent some amount of time, a significant amount of time.
reading my pricing, going into the tiers of pricing, then I'll definitely ask my SDR to go and reach out. And I'll also see where they came from direct, non direct and all of that. One problem with intent data platforms is another thing that I've also noticed is that. It's always what they tell you right?
I don't know how true is it with everything, but whatever intended as tools that I have seen or have played around is that they give you a number. This is the score. This is, this company has engaged with you like at 50%. You don't know where is that score actually coming from, right?
Have you made that score? No, right? But but at Factors, what we have done is we it took us a lot of time to build that feature because this was a major problem. We didn't want to keep the customer in in blindsighted that this is the number you take it and do it, but actually it took time to build out as well as much as I've learned from the product team and all that you give the number yourself.
So for example for us as a company pricing page comes at some 60 percent of scoring. 60 percent is the weightage. Then 20 percent is our LinkedIn ad. That is like one more huge channel of intent for us because we run like super targeted LinkedIn ads. Then there is another.
10 percent or 20 percent being for example just a product tool. So product tool, which is like the interactive demo that we have on our homepage. So something like that is that's how we have set it up inside practice. And most of our customers have done this. And combining all of this with the automation tool like sales robot gives them pretty good result.
As, as far as I see, because I don't see any gap in, in, in this entire process that you set your own terms of engagement and you get the score, obviously the platform gives you the score, but it's actually you who have set up the score and you know how your prospect is engaging with
Saurabh: Yeah. Yeah. That's a great point, but that actually, makes me think about the outbound approach depending on the level of interest or depending on the score. Let's take a clear example. When you're in SDR reaching out, your goal, that is, that's my belief, like SDR should report to more of a marketing function.
Your goal should not be to book a meeting, but to start a conversation, a human to human conversation. So this is what it might look like. This is what we do. So if we see that somebody was reading a blog. on competitor X review. So we just say something. Hey notice that you are on our website. You, you were, looking at these pages.
Do you mind if I send you a detailed video that we did on YouTube about this competitor X? Simple question. No meeting push, no, nothing just. Pushing more good content to them in a one to one conversation. So through that conversation, through that content push is how we are suddenly pushing for a meeting, right?
Because we're not asking them for anything. We're just giving them good content that we've produced, right? Hi. But obviously for this, you need great content, right? Let's assume you have a great one. When you can push it out to them and then use it to book a meeting. Hey,
Priyanka: that
Saurabh: is a very good option.
That's a massive assumption, but if you've invested in good content great content yeah, bottom of the funnel content, middle of the funnel content, top of the funnel content. If you've done that, then I think you could essentially look at Factors Plus Sales Robot as not just a meeting content repurposing.
Where what you're doing is repurposing the content and then pushing it out to interested parties and warming them up. So it's almost like email marketing, but done on LinkedIn, where the conversation starting element is much much more robust because on email marketing, you send people a couple of emails, they get a thousand emails, no one responds, right?
So LinkedIn is that kind of. platform where you can actually start a conversation with someone.
Priyanka: Yeah, absolutely. So one more thing that comes up in this discussion is that why LinkedIn, right? Yeah, you obviously answered that. But one thing with LinkedIn is that, like I said earlier, is people hesitate to reach out to their LinkedIn connections or something.
And I would say that's not a very, unreasonable hesitation. I remember reaching out to some person very politely about, about factors and they, they put me out of their connection list, and they blocked me. And it was very sad for me that I didn't do anything.
I was just saying, hi why would you do this? You could have left me on scene. It's. People do that on a on a basis. And that's where the hesitation comes in. I am not going to reach out on LinkedIn. I don't care if they block me on email. I'm not going to get blocked on LinkedIn because this is my primary.
Networking slash reach out a personal branding platform. I don't want to, uh, how do you come out of this hesitation and what have you seen amongst those 400 customers that work with you? I'm sure 400 is a huge number and I'm sure they would, there should be some barrier that they have crossed to come to this stage of, we'll reach out on LinkedIn.
Saurabh: Yeah, but to be to clarify, we have 400 customers, but over 2, 500 unique LinkedIn on the platform. So I'll tell you, so the first answer is homelessness, right? Like in life as in, is as an SDR work, you have to be a little shameless in sales. That's one. But I think the mental model needs to be clear, right?
One is obviously like everyone has sales quotas. If you're in SDR, you have certain sales quotas to fill and you have certain, especially if you've raised money from venture capitalists and you have certain, aggressive good numbers to it. So that's why I'm just backgrounding it with that.
So that's one thing that cautious some hesitations. The other thing that I've noticed is, is you need to, develop this kind of mental model. So this is one guy that I work with. He's from the UK, one of our largest resellers in the UK, he worked as a sales director at Indy, the job portal in the UK, he was very high up there. He quit his job and started reselling sales in the UK and he's doing well for himself, which is great. Yeah. So I'll tell you this story because this, I learned from him. He used to be a British army man before very interesting guy. Like he has a very interesting life story.
So he was still, I asked him, like, how do you reach out? He was booking 20 meetings consistently every week from just LinkedIn outreach using our tool, right? I asked what kind of script do you use? How do you actually go about it? He's look LinkedIn, the right mental model is you're at this massive networking party.
You're at this massive networking event, right? Not everyone you walk up to at the networking event will want to talk to you will, turn into a good friend will turn into a customer. Of course, that won't happen. But you have to start the approach with that mindset, right? So he's, I'll tell you, I'll tell you his exact messaging templates, like how it really works for him.
Reaches out to something like Hey Priyanka, I was just on your profile and thought it would be good to connect. P. S. Love the glowing recommendation from whatever recommender you had. And that is a feature inside of sales robot. He uses that, right? To get the personalization going in the connection request.
Once that is done. The first follow up message is nothing related to FactorCI, nothing related to his service or product. Is great to connect Priyanka. Are you usually active on LinkedIn? How do you find it on here? Just like you chat someone up at a networking event, he's chatting somebody up on LinkedIn.
As simple as that, right? You need to establish rapport before going into a pitch or something. Yeah. Then the third one is, Priyanka, I connect with a lot of people often on LinkedIn. And it was just cute that What do you mainly use LinkedIn for? Is it for brand? One, two, three options, survey almost like brand building, or, lead generation or going to network or just like me, all of the above, right?
Something like that. Very casual very casual, messaging almost like a text sent at 3am, right? That's the vibe of the text that actually get your responses on LinkedIn, not more than seven words, that kind of thing. So I think the hesitation comes from the fact that one, there is a lot of fear.
Hey, this is my personal thing versus my company thing. Now, if I move on to, another company, I don't want to lose this asset, which is mine, right? Which is the source of hesitation among us. But this was his company, right? He's the founder. So he will obviously do it differently. So that's one thing I would say.
The other thing I would say is the messaging itself, right? A lot of. Companies are actually setting up their SDRs to fail because they've not realized what kind of messaging works on LinkedIn. This kind of 3am texting is what we've coined as the terminology. This kind of 3am texting works on LinkedIn really well, right?
Because it comes across as short, casual, not needy. Yeah, not casual, not needy. And you have to treat it like, you're walking up to somebody at a networking event, short casual texting, show some interest in their content, of course, while you send the second message, also like one of their older posts, right or something like that, right or thoughtful comment, so that they see who you are.
And over time that builds up, so that's how I've seen people overcome this kind of fear of LinkedIn outreach because once it starts showing you this kind of results that you're booking 20 a week just from LinkedIn, no coordinators no. So you're like, okay, wow, this is great, right?
Priyanka: Yeah, and you need to be persistent, right?
It's not like you do it for three, four days and you have to like, yeah, like you have to do this every week. Or if that person has. posted something, then you have to do it. It's easier for, easier when you are selling to SDR or marketers. But so I have a friend, Troy, who also came on one of the lives.
He used to say that he did this like religiously where he used to whatever used to happen in their company, like even if their company had an announcement, he used to tell that, Oh, this is very nice congratulations on this to the prospect on LinkedIn. Because the prospect was not very active on linkedin and they don't send it to a marketer or sdr on who's supposed to be active on linkedin so that is also there like you have to be very persistent on to get that that meeting if not like the deal so that yeah
Saurabh: It's not easy, right?
Sales work is not easy. It wasn't supposed to be easy, right? If you look at the old days of door to door selling, it's still better than that because at least you're sitting in your own room and doing it using LinkedIn and knocking on people's virtual doors, right? So yeah, sales is not easy.
That's pretty much it.
Priyanka: Yeah. Shree once told me that you know what Priyanka? You'll learn everything in life, but you'll not learn sales without doing things. There's no theory. It's
Saurabh: just like getting like I said especially if you're doing just outbound in 97 percent of the time you're 97 is a big number.
Priyanka: Yeah, that's true. And no shows is another that in your heart.
Saurabh: Everything. This is a massive emotional component to a sales that people don't talk about, but this should, right? Because there's only so much rejection that you can take, right? Day in, day out. So you have to be exceptionally persistent and maybe, overcompensate with things like, whatever, right?
Whatever works for you. Like for me, it's more of like fitness and going to the gym and all of that, but there's one completely unrelated topic, but I think there should be more conversation on it. And that the reason I bring it up is because. Nobody does all bound, which is what you're talking about.
Inbound plus outbound. Nobody really does all bound well. So yeah, it's whatever you can do to improve the odds, you can do it. And what is one of those things where you do improve the odds of.
Priyanka: Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. Correct. Now let's come to what you guys do best. That is automation, right?
Just very simply, can you tell me how does the automation work and what are the results that you've seen with your 2, 500 plus users on your platform? Sure.
Saurabh: The automation is pretty straightforward. If you've used any sales engagement tool out there out outreach or sales law, we're pretty similar, right?
We're pretty similar to them. The only difference is we also automate the LinkedIn steps rather than, create the LinkedIn task, right? So it's full blown email automation so that you don't have to touch a prospect until you get a response either on email. So it makes it very easy for you to actually get a response without doing any manual work.
In terms of the personalization, the way it works is that it actually pulls in information from the prospect's profile. So there are little snippets that you can insert, right? For example, like I said, yes, love the glowing accommodation from XYZ. So people feel that this person could not have said that until they read my profile, right?
Versus it's just the AI that did it. Or some something like, love that you've done volunteer work at, whatever, help the blind or something like that. So it just pulls that in from their profile and adds that as a PS. So those are the kind of, yeah, small elements that, have an outsized impact on conversion.
That is that is what we do.
So It's just that it's fully automated across both channels as opposed to just email automation.
Priyanka: And you also automate the connection requests, right? Yeah. So it's not like I have to go and do that. The platform will itself do it as a task. Oh, okay. That's a good thing.
And how is the like acceptance rates, the reply rates generally? Is it above average or something?
Saurabh: Yeah. Great question. So I think. Since we have this many users, we have users from a very different spectrum of very different industries, very different world. So if you put it in the earlier point, right?
If you're selling to SDRs or marketers, then it's obviously higher. SDR, marketers, HR, you get easily an acceptance rate of 25 percent or above. Because they're more active on LinkedIn, right? It's as simple as that. If you're targeting more of like it decision makers or, developers, then they're not as active.
I'm talking about the US, right? Talking about India, because 99 percent of our customer base is US UK. So there you'll be lucky to get a five to 10 percent acceptance rate, right? Because those people are not active on LinkedIn and don't, they don't like connecting or you've talked to developers, right?
Like they don't like talking to people. So why will they connect?
Priyanka: Our developers and factors will never talk to me now.
Saurabh: That's the downside of doing this live. So that's one, one thing we've seen. In terms of decision makers, like as you go higher up. In sales marketing still you get high acceptance rates by high, 10, 15%, but if you go to IT decision makers, like higher up, let's say a CTO at T Mobile or something like that, right?
Like a large company. CTO in traditional industry like manufacturing or, supply chain or logistics, you get even lower, right? Because these people are busy plus not on LinkedIn, right? So there you get again, five, 10 percent type acceptance rates. So it varies a ton. But having said that, if your approach is conversational, casual, 3am type texting, it will work on them once they connect.
So that response rate we've seen a stable between, 10 to 20%, but if you're, sometimes higher, like even seeing like 70, 80 percent response rate, if you're targeting is spot on. So that's how we've seen a lot of results. The other thing we've seen people get a lot of success with is that we allow people to target People who've commented on a particular post.
So it becomes like a, another source of intent, right? Because if some, let's say you put out a post about, first party intent and yeah, there are people liking it. So you can reach out to them and use that as a conversation. Start Hey, I saw that you saw your comment on the post. Would love to connect something like that.
We seem like we're interested in
Priyanka: the. So is it like like it's for the, if I have, it's not my post, it's someone else's post. Can I do that? Or you, I can do that as well. You can do that on
Saurabh: any post. We even allow you to target people using a certain hashtag. We allow you to target people who attended a particular LinkedIn event, we allow you who are part of a particular LinkedIn group and then have these job titles.
So you can segment very, in a very advanced way. So that's why I'm telling you, like the people who are getting 80, 90 percent response rates are doing these tactics, right? Because they're saying that, Hey, saw your comment on Justin Welch's post about, for example earning passive income.
Are you interested in one similar opportunity that we're offering 90 percent response rate? I
Priyanka: think this is like a game changer. Just, yeah, I honestly guys, I did not know this until one second ago. I actually, I'm actually getting to know this on the live itself. Like it's, there are like so many times that we see a post.
And everybody who has commented on it, whether it's a
a complimentary product post or whatever, we know that this is my ICP, right? But if there are like 1000 comments and then 5000 likes, you can't technically go and reach out to everybody by yourself, right? It'll just take three, four months and by then they would have forgotten the comment itself. So this is a great I'm going to cut this and I'm going to put this on my page and everywhere just for people to whoever is like missing out on this live and this game changing revelations that I'm getting.
Saurabh: 90 percent response rates we've seen within, and this is because they reached out to everyone within, three, four days of liking the post because of the
Priyanka: Yeah. This actually makes sense because somewhere I can give like one instance where one of our competitor or they, they said something like this is not like possible as a tool.
But there was a, there was, we ourselves have done it. So we were like, no, this is not true. We have done it. And yeah. It was not possible for us to like any SDR to go and talk to them and We obviously let it go that, you know what we'll do with it now and others will just like not do it.
But yeah, something like this, if there are like there is possibility of you automating this entire process from your own account or from or there are like this, right? It's like actually game changing. I honestly did not know about this. I'm questioning my own self now, but it's it's great to know about that.
Yeah, sorry to interrupt, but you were saying something more.
Saurabh: No, I'm saying this is also, if you look at it, this is also declared intent on social, right? This is because this is somebody who is actively engaging on social related to a post that I know I can use as a conversation starter and I know they are.
Following my school of thought and use that as an like we've used this tactic return and it gets you very high response rates because you're actually you know Hitting the iron while it's hot. It's exactly at the right time So that is why this works and coming to the point about linkedin versus email like I remember I think we missed some of that one.
One of the reasons I feel LinkedIn works so well versus email is that one, it's a newer channel, right? First of all, it's a newer channel. Email is what from 2003? Gmail came out 1999. Hotmail was out. So it's old. It's more saturated. The other thing I feel a while and then works better is again, it's a social network, right?
So people are there to relax, to chill, to learn more. While if you're reaching out to somebody inside their inbox, that's when their boss lives, that's it. That's when their other colleagues live, right? So the whole mental connotation is a little, like working when it comes to email. When I'm in my inbox, I'm in a different mood.
When I'm on LinkedIn, I'm in a different mood, right? So that's maybe why you get more response rates.
Yeah, the third and the most important difference I feel is that they can see that you're a real person. They can see that you have a face, they can see you have a, like rather than just a small face on email. Slightly bigger face. They can see that you have a banner, they have a work history, you're a person with interests, with hobbies, with whatever.
They see your full personality as opposed to just an email trying to pitch them something, right? I feel those are the reasons. Why LinkedIn just tends to perform better, right? It's like even I tend to respond more on LinkedIn. Like recently, this Google ads agency reached out to me 7 times for an email.
I didn't respond because I was always busy with one thing or the other. They sent me one message and that caught my attention. Hey, I know we have to connect and just book the meeting, right? Let's connect for next week. I don't know. Like it wasn't because I was trying to bias my own data.
It was because I I actually. And I was like, okay, rather than thinking, okay, I'll get to this one later. Let me just finish up the more important book. I was like, okay, let's just finish this up, right? This person has been looking out to me four times on email. Let me just reply to her on LinkedIn.
It's more convenient. So maybe that's why this works, but I don't know, but I've seen it in the data that there's a massive difference.
Priyanka: yEah, absolutely. I agree. So with, so is with me, I think I might sometime miss a message, but. If you follow up I'll definitely add one.
One reason being that I've been in SDR and I know that at least reflects . So yeah. That's there. And yeah, Natalie one thing that we wanted to discuss was how factors plus this entire sales robot automation. Works out right? I know you've had conversations with three and we have had partnership discussions and how we take it forward for both our customers.
I'd love to hear that from you and then we'll take some questions from the audience. Feel free to put it in the chat after this segment. We'll take questions.
Saurabh: Yeah. Sure. Sure. Yeah. So I think it's a game changer, first of all because you automate so much, right? Let's, so the way that automation works is that we've set up a Zapier template through which as soon as, an account comes in with a certain amount of score.
We push that to an email finding and a LinkedIn URL finding tool. So we know who are ICPs. We know the job titles we want to target at a particular account. So we just put that as the job title and we just put, okay this is the job title. This is the company domain, and give me these people's, email and LinkedIn.
So we just take that LinkedIn and roll that into a sales robot sequence where we you know noticed you were interested in LinkedIn outreach not trying to push you for a sales meeting or anything. If you want, I can send you more information about what you were reading and maybe that will help you make an educated decision.
We put together a very detailed buying guide on how to evaluate sales tools, simple, non pushy messaging that goes out automatically from my account. So what I get as a user is just a stream of conversations that are started in my LinkedIn inbox with the people who are reading my blog at different levels of interest.
And yeah, we are just launching it tomorrow. We've seen some early results by doing it manually. And I think this will be a massive win for anyone who's trying to. Get more monetization from their blog, right? Get more MQLs, SQLs from their blog. Because I feel blogs are one of those areas that you can use to, get very targeted conversations going.
Priyanka: Yeah. That's great actually. So one thing that I also wanted to like push on this live is that if you have a free trial, then I think SDRs who are listening to this can go and Try I'll put it on the comments
Saurabh: we have a free trial. Please go try it right now. Those appear thing isn't live, but you can obviously use it for itself for now.
And when that thing is out, then you can, if you're a factless user, you can obviously connect your account.
Priyanka: Sure. I'll put the link right after the session. I'm just waiting for any questions. If there is otherwise we'll wrap up the session.
I don't see any questions as of now, but lastly I like, one thought before before we wrap up is that I Can imagine how the what accounts are visiting your website, target this person with this job title on LinkedIn. And if they've commented on a certain post, which would probably be an an intent pro max post, like you say then I don't think how will they not get 90 percent acceptance rate?
Yes. Yeah, it's actually very good. And that's why I thought that sales robot is not very, it's not a conventional sales platform because Yeah, sales platforms do not have this this facility at all. Yeah,
Saurabh: yeah. We've focused a lot on the targeting aspect, right? Because we feel that in outbound, like I said, 80% of outbound success comes from having the right timing with the person and them being the right.
Person to talk to, right? So it's all about the person, not the message. So 80, 20, 80 percent is targeting 20 percent is your messaging, right? So that's what we put in so much efforts towards creating a product where the targeting would be spot on. In fact, we're even working on more features around lookalike targeting, like there's a lot of interesting research that's going on in the lookalike field where if you get one customer, if you get one account, you can use AI to search the entire web to find lookalike accounts, right?
So if that is something we crack well, then we'll further solve the targeting aspect. So we are a very unconventional sales tool in that sense that is not focused too much on the automation aspect, but on the targeting aspect, which is why our customers are more successful than others.
Priyanka: Got it. Yeah, that actually makes a lot of sense.
Cool. I don't see any any questions on the comments. And I think there's a problem with the comment section itself because I was trying to put your link on the comments. But if there is any questions on the event link I'll definitely attend to that later on. Please feel free to comment after the event if that's an issue commenting while the event.
This is actually an issue that I faced last live also, but I thought it was a problem from my end. And apparently I have to write to LinkedIn now. But anyway yeah, if there are any questions, please feel free to shoot the questions to me or to Saurav. I'll put his profile link as well along with sales robot sign up link.
Yeah, that's thank you guys for joining and I'm so sorry for the comment mix up.
Saurabh: no, it's a lovely talking to you and hopefully once the integration is out, then a lot of our common users can, use it or sign up to both the platforms and get the most out of this integration.
Priyanka: Yeah we'll make another live showcasing how that actually works in, in, in live on live. So yeah, that's
sort of a thing. Thank you everyone for joining. I'll see you guys on the next slide.