
ZoomInfo Pricing, Alternatives & Overview | 2024

This article highlights everything you need to know about ZoomInfo, including ZoomInfo pricing, overview, alternatives, and more.

Written by
Ranga Kaliyur
, Edited by
January 10, 2024
0 min read

ZoomInfo is an industry-leading B2B data provider that helps go-to-market teams identify and connect with their target audience through account and contact-level data. But how do ZoomInfo pricing plans work? What does ZoomInfo cost? And is ZoomInfo really worth it? 

This article highlights everything you need to know about ZoomInfo, including ZoomInfo pricing, overview, alternatives, and more. 

ZoomInfo Overview: What is ZoomInfo? 

zoominfo logo

ZoomInfo is a leading B2B data provider that boasts one of the largest contact and company-level intelligence databases for sales marketing use-cases. ZoomInfo is divided into four broad products:

  • SalesOS: contact & company search, sales automation, conversation intelligence, workflows
  • MarketingOS: cross-channel advertising, buyer intent insights, website chat, form enrichment
  • OperationsOS: data cleansing, data enrichment, lead routing
  • TalentOS: talent search, candidate outreach, employer branding

SalesOS is the most popular product in the ZoomInfo lineup, and with good reason: ZoomInfo's impressive database spans 150 million active professionals and 14-million companies. This, in combination with its advanced search filters, real-time alerts, and integration capabilities makes ZoomInfo an attractive platform for sales marketing folk. 

That being said, ZoomInfo and SalesOS  is generally considered to be a premium product — out of reach for smaller teams looking for cost-effective intelligence solutions. Let’s take a look at how ZoomInfo pricing works.

ZoomInfo Pricing

zoominfo pricing

Given that every business has different requirements, there’s no one-size-fits all ZoomInfo deal. Instead, ZoomInfo pricing plans are based on a number of factors, mainly:

  • Credit usage
  • Number of licenses
  • Features & functionality

The price of ZoomInfo credits depends on the depth of information you require. Basic credits cover traditional demographic and firmographic data while more robust credits cover more granular data including technographics, departmental budgets, etc.

ZoomInfo does not openly reveal its pricing. That being said, we've managed to dig deep and find updated details on ZoomInfo pricing plans. In short, ZoomInfo pricing plans start at around $8,000/yr with considerable add-on options available:

  • Profession plan:  $8,000+ per year
  • Advanced plan: $12,000+ per year
  • Elite plan: $40,000+ per year

How much does ZoomInfo cost?

Here's a summary of our findings on ZoomInfo pricing. Note that there's generally wiggle room for with ZoomInfo deals, the following details are post-negotiations, so you have a more realistic point of view.

Professional & Advanced Plans

Feature Pro+ (without intent data) Advanced+
(with intent data) 
 Bundle package  USD 8,000/year  USD 12,000/year
 GDPR data  N/A  N/A
 Recurring credit (no carry forward) N/A   1000/month/user
 Annual bulk credit 5000  10,000 
 Total views  2000 recurring views/user/month  2000 recurring views/user/month 
 Total credits  Annual bulk credits 10,000 + 36,000 recurring credits   Annual bulk credits 10,000 + 36,000 recurring credits

Note that these prices are based on upfront payment for the year. A quarterly, or monthly deal will likely result in more expensive plans.

Elite Plan - $3,450 per month (≈ $41,000 annually). Includes: 

  • Platform fee
  • 10 Seats
  • 20,000 credits included with package
  • 10,000 monthly credits
  • 57,000 bulk data credits
  • Up to 12 topics and unlimited intent signals with streaming intent
  • Standard support
  • Supplemental emails
  • Coverage - Global data including GDPR regions
  • Enrich essentials
  • Custom intent

Elite+ Plan - $4,000 per month ($47,500 annually). Includes:

  • Platform fee
  • 9 Seats
  • 90,000 bulk data credits
  • 10,000 monthly credits
  • 9,000 monthly recurring credits
  • Coverage - all countries minus GDPR regions
  • Neverbounce - email verification

The above two pricing plans include subscription and non-recurring fees before applicable sales tax*.

Why do people use ZoomInfo? 

ZoomInfo is one of the most popular B2B sales intelligence tools in the world today — and with good reason. Albeit not without its own limitations, Zoominfo delivers certain unequivocal advantages over its competitors. Here’s why people use ZoomInfo over alternatives: 

1. Robust NA sales intelligence data

With over 320 millions business contacts and 100 million companies in its database, Zoominfo provides one of the most comprehensive sales intelligence platforms in the market today. This holds especially true for data on companies and professionals located in North American geographies. Here’s how Zoominfo’s volume of data breaks down as of Oct 2023

North America: 

  • 104 million email addresses
  • 45 million mobile numbers
  • 27 million direct phone numbers

Rest of World (Excluding NA):

  • 70 million email addresses
  • 49 million mobile numbers
  • 43 million direct phone numbers

Given that approximately half of Zoominfo’s sizeable data is NA focused, it’s a key plus point to GTM teams whose primary audiences are based in the US, Canada, and other North American regions. 

zoominfo review

2. Comprehensive go-to-market ecosystem

Given that Zoominfo is one of the more established sales intelligence solutions, its platform has evolved to the point where it can support a wide suite of go-to-market products, and in essence, act as your all-in-one GTM solution. In addition to providing company and contact data, here’s a list of other tools Zoominfo offers today: 

  • Sales (Email) Automation
  • Conversation Intelligence 
  • Cross-channel Advertising 
  • Buyer Intent Insights
  • Website Chat
  • Web Form Enrichment
  • Data Deduplication, enrichment, and cleaning 
  • Lead Routing 
  • Talent Search
  • Candidate Outreach
  • Employee Branding

zoominfo suite of products

This means that unlike other, growth-stage sales intelligence platforms, Zoominfo is an all-encompassing GTM ecosystem to cater to a wider range of sales and marketing use-cases. 

3. Industry-leaders and product maturity 

The previous two points lead up to the overarching advantage that Zoominfo has over its competitors: Product maturity. Zoominfo has been an industry-leader in the sales intelligence space for several years now, and has consistently improved its offering by refining its database, expanding its functionality, and improving customer experience. 

In 2023 alone, ZoomInfo achieved 100+ #1 rankings and 254 Leader Ratings in G2’s Fall Report. This translates to Zoominfo being in the top 0.01% of companies for no. 1 rankings.In fact, for the 11th quarter in a row, Zoominfo has led the Enterprise grids for Marketing Account Intelligence, Account Data Management, and Lead Intelligence.

This big fish nature of Zoominfo makes it a formidable competitor for most smaller alternatives in the market. 

zoomingo g2 review

Is ZoomInfo worth it?

There’s no doubt that even ZoomInfo’s basic plans are relatively steep. And given the several add-on options, the cost can quickly start to spiral. Whether ZoomInfo is worth it for you or your organization depends on your specific needs, goals, and budget. Here are a few things to consider:

1. Data requirements: Do you need contact level data or account level data? Do you need high-level firmographics? Or more granular data? Depending on your requirements, ZoomInfo may or may not be the best choice. For instance, provides industry-leading account intelligence (but not contact-level data) at a fraction of the cost of ZoomInfo. For smaller ABM teams, Factors might deliver far more ROI given the scale and cost. 


2. Data accuracy: One of the primary concerns with any data provider is the accuracy and quality of the information they offer. ZoomInfo has gained a reputation for providing relatively accurate and up-to-date data, but it's still essential to evaluate the quality of the data in your specific industry and target market.

3. Features and Functionality: Review the features and tools that ZoomInfo offers. It provides contact and company information, intent data, firmographic data, technographic insights, intent signals, and more. Consider whether these features align with your goals and if they offer a competitive advantage for your sales marketing efforts.

4. Cost: The pricing of ZoomInfo can vary widely depending on factors such as the size of your organization, the level of access you need, and the specific features you require. Consider your budget and whether the potential benefits outweigh the costs.

5. UX & CX: Ease of use and user experience are important factors. A platform that's intuitive and easy to navigate can increase efficiency and user adoption. dditionally, consider the level of customer support offered by ZoomInfo. A reliable support system can be crucial if you encounter any issues while using the platform.

To determine if ZoomInfo is worth it for your organization, it's recommended to request a demo, explore their free trial (if available), and gather feedback from current users in your industry. Additionally, consider your specific goals and how well ZoomInfo aligns with your strategies for lead generation, sales outreach, and business growth.

ZoomInfo Alternatives

ZoomInfo is definitely in the forefront of B2B data solutions. That being said, there are several ZoomInfo alternatives worth considering — each with their own pros and cons. Here’s a quick run down:

  • Lead411
  • Apollo
  • Seamless
  • LeadIQ

Here’s how their prices compare per account and per seat (Source: Lead411):

Zoominfo Alternatives Price per Contact Price per User
 ZoomInfo $1  $1,800 
 Apollo  $1.58 $960 
Lead411 $0.40  $900 
 LeadIQ  $0.75  $99

Zoominfo customer ratings comparison

Here’s a breakdown of how Zoominfo customer ratings compare to its competitors (As of December 2023)

Product / Rating G2 Capterra TrustRadius Average Rating
ZoomInfo  4.4 / 5 4.1 / 5 8.2 / 10  4.1 / 5 
 Apollo 4.8 / 5 4.5 / 5 8.3 / 10  4.4 / 5 
Lead411  4.5 / 5 4.6 / 5  9.1 / 10  4.5 / 5 
LeadIQ  4.2 / 5  4.4 / 5  7 / 10  3.9 / 5 


1. Is ZoomInfo free or paid?

ZoomInfo is a paid product, but it does offer a free trial in case you’d like to take it out for a spin before finalizing your purchase. 

2. How much does ZoomInfo cost?

Here’s how ZoomInfo pricing breaks down. Note that these are base prices, with room for extensive add-ons:

  • Profession plan:  $8,000+ per year
  • Advanced plan: $12,000+ per year
  • Elite plan: $40,000+ per year
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