Stand out with intel on your competitors' LinkedIn ads
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How to Use Factors for Targeted ABM

According to TechTarget, marketers report that 66% of their ABM programs underperform. If you don’t want your campaigns to meet the same fate, you must learn to effectively target your buyers and ensure your messaging resonates with them.

Scroll through to understand how Factors can help you make the most of your ABM program. 

How Factors can refine your ABM efforts

Suppose you have a target account list on LinkedIn, you can set up alerts for when an account from that list visits your website through a specific ad campaign. 

Factors also helps you measure when an account visits your profile through your LinkedIn ads and signs up for your product demo. 

You can also see how many deals you’ve won by customers interacting with your LinkedIn ads.

You can create a ‘segment’ to understand how many companies are currently engaging with your LinkedIn ads. Factors’ deanonymization feature provides a bird’s eye view of your visitors at an account level.

Let’s take a look at Recruiterflow as an example:

As you can see, they viewed our ads six times before booking a demo with us. With Factors, you can effortlessly track customer journeys to understand the impact of your marketing efforts. 

How to use this data

  • Improve LinkedIn Ad Campaigns

Suppose you notice your video ads are performing better than text ads and it leads to an increase in demo bookings. You can use this information to double down on video ads and allocate your marketing spend accordingly. 

  • Better Sales Outreach

Let’s say a prospect downloads your industry report from LinkedIn. Your sales team can then contact them with similar e-books and whitepapers that align with their interests. 

How Zomentum uses Factors to improve their ABM Campaigns

Zomentum is a revenue management platform built for managed service providers (MSPs) to manage their sales and revenue operations. Learn how they use Factors to refine their ABM efforts.

The Problem

Zomentum’s go-to-market team wanted to launch an ABM campaign but their existing CRM had limited analytics and attribution features. They wanted to identify the customer journeys of their ICP accounts to understand how they can maximize their marketing ROI. 

The Solution

Zomentum chose Factors and could easily visualize customer journeys by pushing accurate data to their CRM via webhooks. Thanks to Factors’ custom reporting features, Zomentum could capture real-time data on leads and store all touchpoint interactions. Now, the GTM team had complete clarity on the campaigns that worked for them and which ones they needed to pause. 


Zomentum could now identify 10000+ accounts and accurately attribute their leads by 60%. Here’s what Nishant Singh, Head of Marketing Operations had to say about our product:

Rev your ABM with Factors

As you can see, Factors can help you take your ABM efforts to the next level. Instead of taking shots in the dark, you can use Factors to streamline your LinkedIn campaigns and make every marketing dollar count. Speak to our team today to understand how you can make the most of our product.

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Want to make the most of your LinkedIn ads?

See how Factors can help

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