
Top 10 Albacross Alternatives | 2024

Are you considering alternatives to Albacross? Explore the 10 best options for 2024. Compare features and more to find the perfect fit for your business.

Written by
Vrushti Oza
, Edited by
December 31, 2023
0 min read

Albacross is a well-established B2B marketing data platform that leverages advanced intent data to identify and capitalize on hidden opportunities from website traffic.

From initial customer awareness to decision-making stages, Albacross provides comprehensive insights. It equips businesses with the knowledge to identify potential buyers and engage them based on their preferences. 

Company Visits

So, why look for an Albacross alternative?

While Albacross has its benefits, no tool is without its limitations. Here’s why users consider Albacross alternatives:

Diverse Business Sizes and Budgetary Constraints


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may find Albacross pricing plans aligned with their needs. However, for some, the cost may become a limiting factor as their operations scale.


Businesses, especially those in early or mid-stages, may seek alternatives with more cost-effective options without compromising on essential features. Exploring alternatives allows them to find a solution that aligns with their financial parameters.

Need for Comprehensive Data Sources


Businesses requiring a comprehensive understanding of their B2B target market may evaluate the depth of data sources provided by Albacross.


Some enterprises may seek alternatives offering an even broader range of data sources beyond traditional website-centric approaches. This exploration ensures a more holistic view of potential clients and enhances overall market understanding.

Customization and Interface Preferences


As businesses mature, their requirements for customization options in interface design and reporting may evolve.


Enterprises may explore alternatives that provide more flexibility in customizing interfaces and reporting structures. A desire for tailored solutions prompts businesses to seek alternatives that align more closely with their evolving preferences.

Integration Challenges with Existing Tools


Seamless integration with existing tools, especially CRMs, is crucial for efficient workflow management.


Businesses might explore alternatives if they encounter challenges with integration, seeking solutions that offer native integrations or smoother connectivity with their current tech stack. The aim is to optimize workflows and ensure a cohesive operation of different tools.

Scalability and Features for Growing Businesses


Growing enterprises may outgrow the functionalities of their current solution, necessitating more advanced features.

Businesses in expansion mode may look for alternatives that not only match their current needs but also offer scalability and advanced features. This forward-thinking approach ensures that the chosen solution can accommodate evolving business requirements.

User Experience and Ease of Onboarding


The user experience, including interface intuitiveness and ease of onboarding, significantly impacts the overall efficiency of teams.


Enterprises may explore alternatives if user feedback indicates concerns about the user interface, navigation challenges, or a steep learning curve. This consideration aims to enhance overall user satisfaction and streamline the adoption of the chosen solution.

Unique Data Privacy and Compliance Requirements

Businesses operating in regions with stringent data privacy regulations may scrutinize how well a solution aligns with these requirements.

Exploring alternatives allows enterprises to find solutions that not only meet their visitor identification needs but also adhere to specific data privacy and compliance standards, ensuring a secure and legally sound operation.

Factors to consider in the alternative

Data Accuracy and Coverage

Evaluate the alternative's ability to provide accurate and comprehensive data on website visitors. The precision of identifying companies, coupled with a broad coverage of industries and regions, contributes to the effectiveness of lead generation efforts.

Integration Capabilities

Assess the alternative's integration capabilities with existing tools, such as CRM systems and marketing automation platforms. Seamless integration enhances workflow efficiency and ensures a cohesive approach to lead management.

Personalization Features

Consider whether the alternative offers personalization features that enable businesses to tailor their website content based on visitor profiles. This enhances the user experience and increases the effectiveness of targeted marketing efforts.

Pricing Structure

Analyze the pricing structure of the alternative, taking into account the scalability of plans and the value offered in relation to the cost. Businesses should seek a solution that aligns with their budget constraints while delivering the necessary features.

Ease of Use and Interface

Evaluate the user interface and overall ease of use of the alternative. An intuitive platform with clear navigation and visual cues enhances user adoption and maximizes the utility of the chosen solution.

Customer Support and Success

Consider the level of customer support and success services provided by the alternative. Responsive and knowledgeable support can significantly impact the user experience and the successful implementation of the chosen solution.

Analytics and Reporting

Examine the analytics and reporting capabilities of the alternative. The depth and granularity of insights into website visitor behavior, lead generation effectiveness, and ROI contribute to informed decision-making.


Assess whether the alternative can scale alongside the growth of the business. A solution that accommodates evolving needs and increasing data volumes ensures long-term viability.

Strategic Partnerships

Explore whether the alternative has strategic partnerships with influential platforms such as LinkedIn and G2. Such partnerships can enhance data extraction capabilities and provide a broader and more holistic view beyond traditional website-centric approaches.

User Reviews and Testimonials

Consider the feedback from other businesses that have used the alternative. User reviews and testimonials provide valuable insights into the real-world experiences of businesses similar to yours.

Here are some tools we’ll compare today

  • Clearbit
  • Factors. AI
  • Lead Forensics
  • Leadfeeder
  • Visitor Queue
  • Pearl Diver
  • Koala
  • Leadinfo
  • Happierleads 
  • Leadlander

Before we start off, here’s a little about Albacross

Albacross Logo

Albacross Features

Account Identification

Identify anonymous accounts, including firmographics and visitor intent.


Integrate with personalization tools like Optimizely and VWO, enable customized website content based on visitor profiles.

Display Ads

Launch and monitor display ads within the platform, collaborating with renowned publicists.

Albacross API

Albacross Limitations

  • Limited interface and reporting:

Reviews find Albacross to have a limited app interface in terms of insights and customizations.

  • Integration Issues:

Potential challenges with integrations, especially with CRMs like Salesforce, requiring workarounds like Zapier.

Albacross Pricing

  • Free 14-day trial plan
  • Self-Service Plan: €79 per month.
  • Identify up to 100 companies.
  • CRM integrations and LinkedIn ads integration.

  • Growth Plan:
  • Unlimited identification of companies
  • API integrations
  • Dedicated Customer Success support
  • User Onboarding


Clearbit Features

  • Target Accounts:

Comprehensive B2B Target Market builder for creating an audience of potential purchasing companies.

  • Intent Revelation and Pipeline Conversion:

Assists in understanding anonymous website visitors, revealing buying intent and facilitating conversion into leads and customers.

  • Verified B2B Contact Database:

Access to a global B2B contact database with over 30 million verified contacts, ensuring wide reach and deliverable B2B contact data.

  • Seamless Integration with HubSpot:

Integration with HubSpot for easy data export, deduplication, and streamlined prospecting.

Clearbit Limitations

  • Pricing:

Some users find pricing relatively high, posing challenges for early to mid-stage startups.

  • Performance Issues:

Occasional lag or unexpected closures were reported, impacting overall reliability and user experience.

Clearbit Pricing

  • Free Plan: $0.
  • 25 credits monthly for site traffic identification.
  • Limited credits for enriching domains, emails, and finding email addresses.

  • Growth Plan: $50 to $275.
  • Credit tiers range from 125 to 1,000 monthly.
  • Discover more leads, unveil visitors, and build prospect lists in HubSpot.

  • Enterprise Plan
  • Customized; organizations should contact the sales team for specific requirements and pricing details.

Factors AI

Factors.AI Features

  • Account Identification:

Partners with 6sense and Clearbit for industry-leading IP data, identifying up to 64% of anonymous companies with firmographics, enrichment, and alerts.

  • Account Timelines & Scoring:

Provides end-to-end account-level timelines across the customer journey through integration with campaigns, websites, and CRM data. Factors also supports cross channel accounts scoring by tracking engagement across website, LinkedIn, and G2 touchpoints.

  • Advanced Analytics:

ABM analytics, path analysis, and multi-touch attribution for unified reporting, aggregate user behavior, and optimizing resource allocations.

Factors.AI Limitations

  • User Interface Enhancement:

User interface could benefit from increased intuitiveness, clearer navigation, and visual cues for a more user-friendly experience.

  • Limited Integration Options:

At the time of writing, Factors offers relatively fewer native integrations as compared to other alternatives. To solve for this, Factors will push data back into nearly any other platform using Webhooks (Zapier,, etc)


Factors.AI Pricing

  • Factors offers a free plan for up to a certain number of accounts identifies per month
  • Learn more about pricing here:

Lead Forensics

Lead Forensics Features

  • Visitor Tracking:

Tracks and records activities of companies and individuals visiting a business website. Provides detailed insights into browsing behavior, and specific pages viewed, and identifies key contacts within visiting companies.

  • Contact Information:

Reveals contact details of accounts visiting your website, empowering businesses to initiate contact with potential leads who have demonstrated interest.

  • Lead Scoring:

Utilizes an effective lead scoring system based on visitor behavior, enabling businesses to prioritize efforts on high-converting leads.

  • Integration Capabilities:

Seamlessly integrates with CRM systems and marketing automation tools for efficient lead management.

  • Real-time Alerts:

Provides real-time notifications when high-potential leads are identified, enabling prompt engagement.

  • Detailed Analytics:

Offers in-depth analytics and reporting on website visitor patterns, lead generation effectiveness, and ROI from marketing initiatives.

Lead Forensics Alerti Key Account

Lead Forensics Limitations

  • Unintuitive UI:

Faces criticism for an unintuitive user interface, with concerns about complicated functionality in ad-hoc analysis, dashboards, and filters.

What do you dislike about Lead Forensics
  • Navigation Challenges Across Multiple Domains:

Users report glitches during the transition between accounts for each domain, occasionally requiring a complete log-out/log-in to address issues.

Why dislike Lead Forensics
  • Pricing Concerns:

Potential concern regarding cost alignment with the budget constraints of smaller businesses, posing a challenge for those seeking more budget-friendly options.


Lead Forensics Pricing

  • Essential Plan: 
  • Tailored for small to medium-sized businesses.
  • Identifies businesses visiting the website.
  • Provides business contact details, uncovers keywords driving traffic, and access to the Lead Manager portal.

  • Automate Plan:
  • For enterprise businesses.
  • Includes all Essential Plan features.
  • Advanced integration capabilities into CRM systems.
  • Fully customizable workflows using 'The Orchestrator' technology.
  • 'Fuzzy Matching' algorithm for clean data maintenance.

Learn more about Lead Forensics pricing.


Leadfeeder Logo

Leadfeeder Features

  • Company Identification:

Identifies companies visiting the website, providing valuable insights into potential leads.

  • Page View Information:

Accesses detailed information about the pages viewed by visiting companies.

  • Source Tracking:

Offers insights into how companies found the company’s website.

  • Integration with CRM and Marketing Platforms:

Seamless integration with popular CRM and marketing platforms for efficient utilization of visitor data in sales and marketing efforts.

  • Customizable Email Digests:

Provides customizable email digests for convenient and personalized information delivery.

  • Real-time Notifications:

Sends real-time notifications to ensure timely engagement with potential leads.

Leadfeeder Limitations

  • Pricing:

While Leadfeeder offers a few more features, it may be a more expensive tool, especially for teams early in their ABM journey.

  • Lead History:

Leadfeeder offers only up to 30 days of lead history, which may be limiting for companies with longer sales cycles. Albacross extends history to up to 90 days.

  • Website Personalization:

Albacross offers website personalization features through integration with VWO and Google Optimize, allowing A/B testing based on the nature of accounts visiting the website.

Leadfeeder Pricing

  • Free Plan
  • €0 with no time limit.
  • Unlimited users.
  • Data from the last 7 days only.
  • Maximum 100 identified companies.

  • Paid Plan (Starting at €139 per month, billed annually)
  • For sales and marketing teams.
  • Pricing is based on identified companies.
  • Unlimited visits data storage.
  • Unlimited users.
Leadfeeder Pricing

Further readings:

Visitor Queue

Visitor Queue Logo

Visitor Queue Features

  • Website Visitor Identification:

Identifies companies visiting a website, offering insights into visitor behavior.

  • Lead Generation:

Assists in identifying potential leads by providing contact information and browsing behavior details of website visitors.

  • Audience Understanding:

Provides a better understanding of the audience by tracking and analyzing visitor data, including company names and browsing activities.

  • Tailored Marketing and Sales Strategies:

Enables businesses to tailor marketing and sales strategies by providing insights to attract and convert potential customers.

  • Improved Business Performance:

Helps turn website visitors into potential customers, contributing to improved overall business performance and customer acquisition.

Visitor Queue Pricing

  • 100 Unique Companies / Month
  • $31/month when paid annually.
  • All features included.
  • Add website personalization for $159 more a month.
  • 300 Unique Companies / Month:

  • $71/month when paid annually
  • All features included.
  • Add website personalization for $159 more a month.
  • 500 Unique Companies / Month

  • $87/month when paid annually
  • All features included.
  • Add website personalization for $159 more a month.
  • 1000 Unique Companies / Month

  • $151/month when paid annually
  • All features included.
  • Add website personalization for $159 more a month.
  • 2000 Unique Companies / Month

  • $239/month when paid annually
  • All features included.
  • Add website personalization for $159 more a month.
Visitor Queue Pricing

Visitor Queue Limitations

  • Limited Details on Actual User Data:

Identifying specific details, especially for big companies with hundreds of employees, can be challenging. However, the information is still useful for reaching out to existing contacts and making a memorable impression.

What do you dislike about Visitor Queue
  • Lack of Automation and Message Templates:

The platform lacks automation features and predefined message templates. Users express a desire for the ability to automate post-visit outreach, such as creating algorithms for customized messages based on user journeys and roles within the visiting companies.

Visitor Queue

Pearl Diver

Pearl Diver Features

  • Anonymous Website Visitor Identification:

Enables identification of anonymous website traffic, providing insights on the company name, industry, location, and online behavior.

  • Opportunity Generation and Audience Segmentation:

Helps generate opportunities and segment audiences for improved targeting and precise sales and marketing strategies.

  • Direct Integration:

Offers direct integration with various marketing and sales platforms through Zapier, ensuring seamless audience management and enhancing efficiency in the sales cycle.

  • Automated Workflow:

Integrates audiences into marketing and sales services through Zapier or exports them to email as CSV files to supercharge marketing activities.

  • Opportunity Management and Real-Time Notifications:

Offers visibility to fast-track deals, spot buying signals, and know when existing customers are back in the market through advanced tracking and real-time notifications.

Pearl Diver Pricing

- Launch:

  • From just 19c per opportunity identified.
  • $387 per month.
  • Includes up to 2 websites and 2,000 identified web visits.

- Rise:

  • From just 15c per opportunity identified.
  • $917 per month.
  • Includes up to 5 websites and 6,000 identified web visits.

- Scale:

  • From just 15c per opportunity identified.
  • $1,818 per month.
  • Includes up to 10 websites and 12,000 identified web visits.
Pearl Diver Pricing

Pearl Diver Limitations

  • Limited Geographic Coverage:

Currently only US-based, limiting data capture for businesses primarily operating in Australia and other countries.

What do you dislike about Black Pearl Diver.1

  • Manual Data Download Process:

Requires daily manual data downloads to Excel, with potential inconvenience. However, there are indications of ongoing efforts to introduce an API setup.

What do you dislike about Black Pearl Diver.2

  • Onboarding Process Challenges:

The onboarding process is reported to be not clean, potentially causing challenges for users during the initial stages of using the platform.

What do you dislike about Black Pearl Diver.3


Koala Logo

Koala Features

  • Discover Prospects from Website Traffic:

Identifies website visitors, converting traffic into actionable leads by revealing companies researching documents, checking pricing pages, and expressing purchase intent.

  • Real-time Intent Signal Detection:

Automatically detects key intent signals, indicating visitors' readiness to make a purchase, allowing prompt engagement with prospects to prevent leads from slipping away.

  • Strategic Account List Building:

Effortlessly segments lead by company attributes from various data sources, enabling the creation of strategic account lists to focus efforts on the most promising leads in real-time.

  • User Behavior Analysis:

Provides insights into meaningful actions taken by website visitors, facilitating a deeper understanding of user behavior to provide relevant and genuinely helpful content.

  • Seamless Integration with Existing Tools:

Seamlessly integrates with favorite sales and enrichment tools, providing powerful insights about prospects and target accounts.

  • Turn Visitors into Pipeline:

Enables companies to turn website visitors into pipeline opportunities, potentially increasing pipeline creation, saving research time, and driving more sales.

  • Free Plan Available:

Offers a generous free plan for startups finding Product-Market Fit (PMF), allowing companies to get started in minutes and discover prospects already on their site.

Koala Pricing

- Free

  • $0
  • For startups finding Product-Market Fit (PMF).
  • 3 seats included, users can unlock more by referral
  • 250 accounts included, unlock more by referral
  • 10k events/ mo

- Team

  • $175/mo
  • For sales teams with up to 5 reps.
  • 3 seats included then $15 user/mo.
  • 1,000 accounts included, then $15/mo per 250
  • 500k events/mo then $45/mo per 100k

- Business

  • For this plan, organizations can contact Koala’s support team for details on the pricing
  • Designed for larger teams, ranging from about 5 to 100s of sales representatives
  • Custom discounts are also available for the business plan in regards to the number of users, koala accounts and events per month

Koala Pricing

Koala Limitations

  • Weekly Reporting System:

The platform lacks a robust reporting system, which could enhance the user experience by providing regular and consistent insights.

Koala Limitations


Leadinfo Logo

Leadinfo Features

  • Lead Capture Forms:

Sales and marketing teams can create personalized lead gen forms using visitor information, increasing the likelihood of positive responses and lead conversions.

  • Track Browsing Activity:

Tracks visitors' journeys through the website, allowing sales and marketing teams to determine visitors' intent and qualify them as potential leads.

  • Intuitive Layout:

Leadinfo's inbox-type layout provides an intuitive view of every website visitor, similar to viewing emails. This layout simplifies the tool for teams to get accustomed to its functionality.

  • Integrations:

Leadinfo currently offers 60+ integrations including Asana, Discord, Freshworks, Insightly, HubSpot, Zoho, and Slack, among others.

Leadinfo Pricing

The pricing model for Leadinfo is based on the total number of monthly unique visitors to your website. As a user, you can feed your data to their pricing page to determine the cost.

Leadinfo pricing

Leadinfo Limitations

  • Integration Development:

The integration could be further developed to enhance functionality, particularly in implementing automation, especially from a marketing perspective. This improvement would enable seamless execution of marketing strategies for better results.

What do you dislike about Leadinfo.1
  • Pricing:

Leadinfo is considered quite pricey. While the free demo period grants access to all features, some features are disabled upon account creation, requiring a significant increase in payment.

What do you dislike about Leadinfo.2
  • Incomplete Prospect Coverage:

Leadinfo may not capture all smaller prospects or clients, potentially limiting its coverage and effectiveness for businesses dealing with a diverse range of prospects.

What do you dislike about Leadinfo.3


Happierleads Logo

Happierleads Features

  • Prospector:

Identifies prospects based on Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) criteria, providing details such as direct-dial phone numbers, updated business emails, job titles, and more for over 60 million businesses.

  • Segment & Qualify:

Allows sales and marketing teams to segment accounts and leads based on ICP using various behavioral and demographic filters. Happierleads assigns scores to each account based on website activity, simplifying the identification of high-fit, high-intent accounts.

  • Email Outreach:

Offers an internal email campaigning and outreach tool, enabling sales and marketing teams to work on prospecting and outreach without exporting their data elsewhere.

  • Integrations:

Happierleads offers integrations such as Zapier, HubSpot, Fullstory.

Happierleads Product
 Reveal Identify your anonymous website visitors.
Browse a database of 180 million contacts and 70 million companies.
 Engage Scale your email and LinkedIn outreach.
 Enrich Enhance your existing data via API.

Happierleads Pricing

- Free Trial

  • $0 for 7 days
  • Includes 300 credits
  • 5 users
  • 1 mailbox

- Basic 

  • $120 per month (billed yearly)
  • Includes 1000 credits/mo
  • 10 users 
  • 5 mailboxes
  • Unlimited data storage
  •  Integrations & automation, and more.

- Pro

  • $799 per month (billed yearly)
  • Includes unlimited credits
  • Unlimited users
  • 20 mailboxes
  • AI email personalization
  • Advanced API access, and more.

- Enterprise 

  • Customized plan for advanced features (contact sales)

Happierleads Pricing

Happierleads Limitations

  • Identification Limitation:

Happierleads identifies the company but not the individual accessing the information. Reaching the right person in large organizations can be challenging.

What do you dislike about Happier Leads
  • Journey Visibility:

Limited visibility into potential customers' journeys. Clicking through a set of cards to see activity makes it less intuitive. Export options are overwhelming, and crucial info like visit time and page details may be lost.

What do you dislike about Happier Leads.2
  • Engagement Analytics:

Room to grow in engagement analytics. More detailed information on actual interactions on the site, such as specific CTAs clicked, time spent on pages, or scrolling behavior, would be beneficial.

What do you dislike about Happier Leads.3


Leadlander Logo

Leadlander Features

  • B2B Website Visitor Identification:

Focuses on identifying company-based website visitors, providing insights into the audience visiting business websites.

  • Verified Contacts:

Offers verified contact profiles, including name, email, title, and other key data points, for employees at companies visiting your website, facilitating actionable connections.

  • Analytics and Reporting:

Delivers specific details about each website visitor, turning anonymous visitors into actionable contacts. Provides insights into customer journeys, connections to conversions, and intent data.

  • Sales Integration:

Seamless integration with popular platforms like Salesforce, Mailchimp, HubSpot, and Slack, streamlining the sales process for maximum effectiveness.

  • Unrivaled Support:

Dedicated and responsive service and support to maximize the return on investment for users.

  • Easy-to-Use Interface:

Real-time delivery of actionable data through customized reports, alerts, and online access for convenient utilization.

  • Intent and Company Data:

Provides intent data to reveal individual prospects and their information, along with access to key contacts at prospect companies.

Leadlander Limitations

  • Integration Limitations:

Some users face challenges integrating Leadlander with certain platforms, limiting the utility of collected data.

  • Data Accuracy:

While providing accurate tracking data, some users report issues with the accuracy of metrics, such as the count of unique visitors.

  • User Interface:

Users, particularly those with limited technical experience, find Leadlander's interface challenging to navigate and understand.

  • Technical Support:

Issues with the quality and availability of technical support have been reported, making it challenging to get assistance when needed.

  • Cost:

While cost-effective, some users find Leadlander expensive for businesses with limited budgets.

What do you dislike about Leadlander

Leadlander Pricing

  • Small Business Plan
  • $900/year or $89/month
  • Up to 100 leads per month
  • One tracked domain
  • Access to the contact network
  • unlimited user accounts
  • 12 months of stored data

  • Unlimited Plan
  • Contact for pricing or start a free trial
  • Unlimited leads
  • Unlimited domains
  • Unlimited user accounts
  • Includes access to the contact network
  • 12 months of stored data
  • Dedicated account manager
  • API access, and more
Leadlander Pricing

In summary

Albacross is a known solution in revenue acceleration, leveraging advanced intent data. However, diverse business needs and budget considerations drive the exploration of alternatives. For 2023 and 2024, ten alternatives were analyzed, each offering unique features, pricing, and limitations.

Considerations like scalability, customization, and integration challenges guide businesses in choosing alternatives such as Clearbit, Factors.AI, Lead Forensics, Leadfeeder, Visitor Queue, Pearl Diver, Koala, Leadinfo, Happierleads, and Leadlander. Critical factors include data accuracy, integration capabilities, pricing structures, user experience, and customer support.

While Albacross remains robust, businesses must align their choice with specific requirements, ensuring a seamless journey toward revenue acceleration in the evolving landscape.

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