
Why did LinkedIn acquire Oribi? 4 Oribi Alternatives in 2023

This article highlights the top 4 alternatives to Oribi and how they fare in terms of their features (pros and cons), pricing, integrations, and user reviews.

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April 8, 2024
0 min read

Why did Linkedin acquire Oribi?

On March 31st 2022, Linkedin announced its acquisition of Oribi — an Israel-based marketing analytics company, for over $80 million. Oribi was a marketing analytics platform that offers seamless integration and automated event tracking for your website without the need for coding. They provide a user-friendly platform that combines several conversion rate optimization (CRO) features, including customer journey funnels and event correlations, making it easy for users to access and utilize these tools. 

 An agreement was reached with Oribi CEO, Iris Shoor, after several conversations about product and value alignment. Linkedin’s purchase of Oribi is part of a larger strategy to expand features across Linkedin Marketing Services (LMS). LMS includes a range of strategies, techniques and tools used to promote advertisements, profiles and other businesses on LinkedIn. This helps advertising firms and recruiters to get actionable insights into their posts and advertisements. 

With this acquisition LinkedIn aims to position itself strongly in the advertising and marketing analytics domain. With a 43% growth in the marketing service revenue on yearly basis, LinkedIn wants to grab on to the momentum of the growth trajectory of the marketing revenue. It aims to provide its users with keen insights with more data analytics and attribution in order to stronghold itself as a competitor to Google Ads services. 

But what are the implications of this acquisition? and how does this affect former-Oribi customers? Let’s find out.

“Understanding which channels and messages have the greatest impact on the decision to take a desired step, such as a buyer requesting a product demo or a job seeker applying to a job posting, is critical to the effectiveness of any marketing campaign. Through the integration of Oribi’s technology into our marketing solutions platform, our customers will benefit from enhanced campaign attribution to optimize the ROI of their advertising strategies” - Tomer Cohen, CPO, LinkedIn

How will Linkedin use Oribi’s technology? 

As previously mentioned, Linkedin acquired Oribi with the intention of expanding its LMS portfolio with industry-leading marketing and web analytics software. In particular, Linkedin was expected to employ Oribi to improve LMS insights tag implementation, drive audience insights for retargeting and CRO, and create customer journey funnels for Linkedin campaigns. Campaign attribution and ROI reporting are other Oribi use-cases Linkedin seeks to leverage for LMS.

As part of the agreement, Linkedin  opened its very first office in Tel Aviv. The majority of the Oribi team has already joined Linkedin’s LMS division as well.  LinkedIn’s action also came with a series of layoffs. According to some reports, 17 Oribi employees working in customer facing verticals(sales, marketing etc) were fired post acquisition.

“Oribi’s team brings deep analytics expertise that will help us accelerate the capabilities of our attribution technology across our lines of business – from helping a marketer find better leads to a recruiter identifying the right candidates. The acquisition will expand our international presence so we can continue delivering products that meet the evolving needs of our global customers and members.” - Tomer Cohen, CPO, LinkedIn

What does Linkedin’s acquisition of Oribi mean for customer data?

A couple of things. First, any data captured following Oribi’s integration remains in the control of customers and adheres to all commitments set by Linkedin’s standard ads agreement. This means that LinkedIn will not use, edit or tarnish the data already captured by Oribi for its existing users. Second, Linkedin will not be combining legacy personal data between Oribi and Linkedin. This means that the data captured by Oribi prior to the acquisition will not be used by LinkedIn in any way, therefore, the existing customers data will not be scrutinized by LinkedIn post integration.

Finally, there are no plans for Linkedin to alter the data it currently collects from users — simply to enhance existing data using Oribi’s technology. This implies that LinkedIn will not change or update its data collection policy from its users post integration with Oribi. Therefore, LinkedIn users should not be worried about collection of additional data points to enhance Oribi’s functionality. 

What does Linkedin’s acquisition of Oribi mean for former Oribi users?

According to several reports, Oribi shut down services and canceled customer contracts just weeks after the agreement was reached. Based on conversations with former Oribi-users, its revealed that Oribi has offered its customers a couple of options: 

  1. Try out Oribi/LMS’s early-stage pilot program 
  2. Switch to an alternate marketing/web analytics solution

The problem with the first option is that as a result of Linkedin’s acquisition, the pilot program is heavily limited. Integrations with third-party ad platforms like Google and Facebook look likely to be restricted as well. Therefore, the customers will not be able to get the ultimate benefit of marketing analytics, and integration features post acquisition. Accordingly, option 2 is the popular choice. Especially since historical data will not be preserved, now seems to be the best time to switch to an alternative solution for Oribi.

‍Best Oribi Alternatives in 2023

Since the acquisition of Oribi by LinkedIn, significant changes have taken place. Although it was anticipated that LinkedIn would leverage Oribi's capabilities to improve its marketing analytics, many users believe that the acquisition did not turn out to be favorable for Oribi.

Review Heading: 'Selling to Microsoft was a mistake.' Positive aspect: 'Oribi makes data analysis easy, including click-through rates, downloads, and page visitors on your site. Negative aspect: 'Oribi sold to LinkedIn resulting in feature removal and the loss of all social media connections except LinkedIn.

Many users were not happy with acquisition, as they anticipated a large number of Oribi features to be eliminated post acquisition. Therefore, many Oribi customers are out scouting for viable alternatives for their needs.

There are a host of platforms to consider for replacing Oribi including Factors, Heap (which is a powerful solution, but suited more for product analytics), Wicked Reports, and Plausible. 

Let's compare some of the top alternatives to Oribi and see how they fare in terms of their features (pros and cons), pricing, integrations and user reviews.

  1. is a marketing analytics tool which specializes in multi touch attribution with a focus on account based analytics and visitor identification.

Oribi does not offer the concept of dashboarding, making it difficult to group and visualize reports efficiently. Factors provides customizable dashboards where all reports are conveniently organized and displayed, simplifying the process of data grouping and visualization. It allows users to consolidate essential data in a single location, enabling easy tracking, analysis, and generation of insights to optimize marketing campaigns effectively.

Factors offers account-based analytics which includes campaign analytics, website analytics, and funnel analytics.  With Factors, marketers can enhance their understanding and optimization of website conversions with automated tracking of buttons, detailed page analytics, access to unsampled data, and the ability to track custom domains. Factors provides end-to-end journey analysis with Funnels, letting the user add as many filters as they like to easily customize their data and dashboards.

What’s more is that Factors consolidates various metrics such as CPC, CTR, ROI, impressions, and more at different levels like channels, campaigns, ad groups, and keywords, enabling more detailed data-driven marketing strategies, this was not possible in Oribi.

Moreover, Oribi has limited integration with HubSpot, only allowing the push of web data into the CRM. In contrast, Factors integrates with both HubSpot and SalesForce, enabling the connection of campaign and web data with contact data, offline events, and revenue metrics from the CRM. This integration empowers comprehensive analysis and attribution throughout the customer journey.

Factors can be set up within 30 minutes and offers no-code integrations with ad platforms, CRMs, MAPs, and CDPs.

The landing page shows features offered by Factors, with an image of its dashboard. A demo registration tab also gets displayed.

Both Oribi and Factors deliver intuitive web analytics, CRO, attribution, and funnels. On top of this, Factors also provides end-to-end customer journey mapping across campaigns, web, & CRMs. You can learn more about how Factors compares against Oribi here


  • Unlike Oribi which only provided website attribution, Factors provide attribution at every relevant touchpoint from ads and website interaction to offline interaction using CRM integration. With customizable reports across channels, campaigns, and keywords, Factors can be moulded to any need which the user might have.
  • Factors has an impeccable 64% visitor identification rate which is the highest in this category.. Along With its robust visitor identification feature complemented by multi-touch attribution, you can perform various attributions including offline touchpoints to identify the various sources from where visitors come to your website.
  • Factors is now the official Marketing Partner of LinkedIn. With this collaboration, the users can get complete information about who is viewing Linkedin ads, clicking on them, and how this leads to conversions. With this partnership, users can optimize their campaigns with AI driven insights for all of their marketing efforts..


  • Factors cannot automatically send data back into Hubspot or Google Analytics like Oribi. Therefore, it may not be a good fit for you if you are looking for data orchestration rather than analytics.
  • Factors does not support integration with ActiveCampaign, Mailchimp, and Klaviyo. Therefore, the user may miss out on the use cases relevant to these integrations


  • Google Search Console
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Hubspot 
  • Salesforce
  • Clearbit
  • Segment


Visitor Identification and Website Analytics plans start at $ 99/month for the starter pack, $179/month for the professional and $499/month for the growth pack. There is a custom pack too based on the user's needs.

Factors offers a free 14 day trial with no credit card requirement. Visitor Identification and Website Analytics plans start at 99/month, while it has a separate pricing plan for Multi-Touch Attribution starting at $399/month.


Review  headline reads- "Factors ensures that no visitors go unnoticed"Pros-Factors is the goldmine of the intent, ensures maximum ROI for the paid and unpaid campaigns, helps in identifying98% leads that go unnoticed.Cons- Some feature gaps and requests made by the reviewer. Factors dedicated product team already working on the same.


  1.  Plausible Analytics

Plausible Analytics is a  cookieless web analytics tool designed specifically for a wide range of businesses including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), startups, content creators, bloggers, and e-commerce websites.. As an open-source tool, Plausible offers a transparent and customizable solution that empowers businesses to track website performance without compromising user privacy. It offers intuitive data analytics with traffic segmentation, shareable dashboard and real time notifications. Plausible aims to provide simple web analytics at a glance without any complex layering of data with menus, and complex reports. Instead of tracking every imaginable metric, Plausible focuses only on relevant and most important data points.  Like Oribi, Plausible provides intuitive data analytics features which are compressed in a 1KB script.

Plausible’s script size is smaller than 1KB, ensuring that website loading time is reduced. With a script size which is 45 times smaller than Google analytics, plausible occupies less space and gets easily installed.

Plausible's landing page posits the product as a better alternative of Google Analytics. Plausible is intuitive, has a lightweight script and compliant with GDPR, CCPA and EU legislation.


  • One of the standout features of Plausible Analytics is its incredibly lightweight script, clocking in at less than 1KB. This means that implementing the tool won't slow down your website's loading time, ensuring a seamless user experience for your visitors. 
  •  Plausible complies with GDPR, CCPA, and PECR.. It offers real time slack and email updates which are customizable based on the user’s needs.


  • Plausible does not provide multi touch attribution but only last click attribution. This leaves you unsure of where the leads actually come from. 
  • Since Plausible Analytics does not collect or store personally identifiable information (PII) and avoids the use of cookies, it means they do not retain historical data beyond a 30-day period. This could pose a challenge if your tasks involve long-term data analysis or trend tracking, as the limited data retention may affect your ability to derive insights and perform comprehensive analysis


  • Carrd
  • Hubspot
  • Google Data Studio
  • Google Search Console
  • Notion
  • Wordpress


The tool provides a free trial, and the paid plans start from just $9 per month for 10K visitors. Furthermore, users can get a 2-month free subscription if they pay annually.Features included are 50 websites, custom events, Email/Slack reports, 100% data ownership, Unlimited data retention and Unlimited team members.

The tool provides a free trial, and the paid plans start from just $9 per month for 10K visitors. Furthermore, users can get a 2-month free subscription if they pay annually.


The headline reads as- "Reliable data with no need to worry about GDPR et. al."Pros- Simple, and straightforward analytics. It is easy to use and compliant of EU regulations.Cons- Plausible is not as intuitive as it advertises to be. It does not give deeper insights. Overall the user's experience has been good. Overall rating is 5 out of 5.

  1. Heap

Heap is an analytics tool that automatically captures, tracks, and visualizes visitor engagement with the website to provide actionable insights. Heap collects data and collates it into easy to read graphs and funnels.Heap focuses on enhancing customer engagement and tracking their activity throughout their journey with a brand. Heap offers a diverse array of capabilities, like automatic event tracking, retroactive data capture, and real-time reporting. It empowers businesses to segment their data based on users, sessions, and events, simplifying the process of identifying trends and patterns within the data.  For Oribi users, Heap could be a good fit since it provides customers with funnels, real time reporting, and a host of data visualization features. 

The heading of the landing page reads as "Better Insights. Faster". The page contains features, pricing, and use cases tab with a Free Trial tab.


  • Heap offers intuitive and customizable  dashboards to coordinate important metrics for the business and help drive insight driven actions. It allows businesses to segment their data by users, sessions, and events, making it easier to identify trends and patterns.  
  • Heap provides user segmentation, which helps categorize users based on their characteristics and behavior. This feature allows businesses to track users retroactively, gaining insights into their past interactions and activities. With user segmentation, companies can better understand their audience and tailor their strategies to meet specific user needs.
  • With the user timeline feature, Heap enables marketers to see detailed user level data as to how each user interacts with the website/app. The timeline of this activity can be adjusted from the last 7 days to the date the user first interacted with the website/app. 


  • Heap occupies a large amount of space due to its many features and comprehensive data storage features.. When you have a lot of data stored, it becomes more challenging to calculate the costs associated with data privacy and protection, storage and archiving, and regularly backing up the data. The complexity increases as the amount of data grows, making it important to carefully manage and allocate resources to ensure data security and accessibility.
  • Heap only focuses on the website traffic, user activity on the particular site and conversions. It does not factor in the role of paid ads, organic reach on search engines and other touchpoints. Here is where a tool like Factors comes into play as it gives you a complete and in depth overview of the data attribution and visitor identification across multiple touchpoints.


  • Shopify
  • FullStory
  • Clearbit
  • RedShift
  • Eloqua
  • Hubspot
  • Salesforce


The tool provides a free trial and a free package for up to 10K monthly sessions. The growth package is priced at $3600/YEAR for 3OOk sessions per year. Additionally, there are custom packages available.

The tool provides a free trial and a free package for up to 10K monthly sessions. The growth package is priced at $3600/YEAR for 3OOk sessions per year.


The heading reads as "Heap is good, not great". The reviewer like the sheer amount of information one can access with Heap. Relevant dashboards which are customizable to suit various needs.The negative thing about Heap is that it is not that intuitive, some technical aspects make the analysis fairly complicated. Moreover, slow data loading and being hamstrung by queries is another negative quality of Heap.

  1. Wicked Reports

Wicked Reports is a marketing attribution platform with a wide assortment of campaign analytics features. Some of its unique features include the ability to include/exclude subscription revenue, distinguish new sales from recurring sales revenue, and new leads from re opt-ins. 

Attribution in Wicked Reports is its standout feature, primarily used for generating ROI reports. Users can pick from various attribution models provided by this platform like, linear attribution, last click, first click attribution, full impact attribution etc. Wicked Reports also generates insights into customer lifetime value and cohort analysis.

The landing page contains pricing, features, Integration and Resources tab on the landing page. The heading of the landing page reads as- "Powerful Marketing Attribution". The page also offers a free walkthrough option.


  • Wicked Reports offers cohort analysis capabilities, allowing you to analyze the behavior and performance of specific groups of customers over time. The platform helps in the visual representation of the monetary value and ROI of the customer, illustrating their profitability and financial performance over time..


  • Wicked Reports cannot be used to visualize customer funnel journeys. This means that marketers will not be able to locate where leads are lost.   Customizing and visualizing of funnels is possible with tools like
  • Wicked Reports primarily focuses on marketing attribution rather than web-level attribution. It specializes in attributing marketing efforts to revenue and ROI, helping marketers understand the impact of their various marketing channels and campaigns. However, when it comes to granular web-level attribution, such as tracking specific user actions on a website, Wicked Reports may not provide extensive capabilities in that area


  • Hubspot
  • Mail Chimps
  • Shopify
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Snapchat
  • Paypal


The pricing plan includes $260/month, $553/month and a custom plan all billed annually.


The reviewer like the multiple attribution data provided by the software. Wicked Reports solves the missing data problem of the facebook ads due to IOS tracking.there are some bugs but get resolved by an active support team.

In conclusion…

LinkedIn’s acquisition of Oribi came at a crucial time for the marketing analytics and attribution space. With a keen focus on positioning itself as a strong rival to Google Ads services, LinkedIn aims to utilize the marketing analytics and attribution features offered by Oribi. LinkedIn wants to focus on  its campaign manager which has now become more and more relevant to analyze marketing campaigns.

That said, Oribi can definitely improve its interface and analytics capabilities especially with the continued support of Microsoft. With the acquisition now completed, LinkedIn now has in its coffers a host of features to drive its marketing analysis and attribution arm. As a result, LinkedIn will now be able to offer recruiters and advertisers complete analytics of their ads and posts fueled by AI-driven insights.

Now, more than ever, marketers feel the need and importance of monitoring their efforts and making data-driven decisions to ensure they’re getting the most bang for their buck. The role of marketing analytics will only become increasingly important as even conventionally offline events like seminars and conferences turn digital.

Although the acquisition proved fruitful for LinkedIn and its marketing analytics tool, existing customers did not like it as much. Post acquisition, Oribi shut down its customer-facing vertical, culling out numerous features and also fired customer-facing employees.The existing employees of Oribi especially the sales and marketing vertical had to bear the brunt. Additionally, the existing customers had to venture out in search of alternatives to replace Oribi, which resulted in additional costs, and wastage of time.

The search for an Oribi alternative ends here with Factors. Factors has proven to be a highly effective marketing analytics and attribution platform for B2B marketers. Try it for free or schedule a personalized demo to witness its impact on your campaigns and website conversions today! 


  • Why did LinkedIn acquire Oribi?

With Oribi’s acquisition, LinkedIn was looking forward to optimizing its marketing and advertising service. LinkedIn aimed to solidify its global presence by providing marketers and recruiters a keen insight into their campaigns. According to Tim Cohen (Chief Product Officer at LinkedIn), marketing services grew about 43% on a yearly basis, with Oribi in its coffers, LinkedIn aims to drive this growth potential and position itself as a reliable source of advertising and marketing services.

Furthermore, LinkedIn aims to position itself as a firm competitor against Google's ads and marketing service. 

  • What are the best Oribi alternatives?

Some of the best Oribi alternatives for 2023 are, Heap, Plausible Analytics,and Wicked Reports. Some other platforms to look out for are Mixpanel, Amplitude and Fullstory. Oribi carved out a strong position in this market due to its no code and easy to use market attribution feature which housed loads of CRO features. One should look out for relevant attribution services with an easy to use interface in order to match the experience of Oribi.

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